Senin, 03 Desember 2012


Definition Of Asking for And Giving opinion :
To describes how we are to ask the opinions of others and how we provide opinions to others

Asking Opinion:
n  What’s your view?

n  What’s your opinion?

n  What do youfeel?
n  What do you think?

n  What about………………..?
What aboutyour physic home work?
n  How do you feel about…………..?
How do you feel aboutmetamorphosis?
n  What is your reaction to………….?What is your reaction tothis experiment?
n  Do you have any opinion on……..?
Do you have any opinion oncell function?
n  Don’t you think……..?(very polite) Don’t you think……..?(very polite)
n  What do you think about………..?
What do you think aboutperiodic table of elements?
n  What are you feeling about………?
What are you feeling aboutorganizational level of the cell?
Giving Opinion :
  • Well, I think ...
    Well, I think this very nice. ( pendapat setuju )
    Well, I think it’s less precise.
    ( pendapat kurang setuju )
  • In my opinion I think ... 
    In my opinion, I think this project success. ( pendapat setuju )
    In my opinion I think this project fail.
    ( pendapat kurang setuju )
  • I feel that we should ...
    I feel that we should improve all.
    ( pendapat setuju )
    I feel that we should not improve all.
    ( pendapat kurang setuju )
  • My reaction is that we should ..
    My reaction is that we should repeated observations. ( pendapat setuju )
    My reaction is that we should not repeated observations. ( pendapat kurang setuju )
  • May I make a comment on that? 

Other Examples Dialogue :
Those dialogue expressions are used to askforopinions and giving opinion.
A: What do you think of this refrigerator?
B: I think this refrigerator very big andgood.
C: I think this refrigerator small and ugly.
A: Ok, thank for your opinion.

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